What IS Mudjacking?
Mudjacking, also known as slab jacking or concrete leveling, is the process of raising concrete slabs hydraulically with a cement hybrid mixture. This mix is injected through the ground to raise the slab until it is level. Mudjacking is an affordable alternative to removing and replacing damaged concrete slabs. MUDTeCH’s™ mudjacking services will raise your problem cement up to a safe level and create a reliably even surface for years to come.
Advantages to concrete Mudjacking
Homeowners with uneven or dangerously sunken concrete issues have two options: completely replace the concrete slabs or have the entire slab raised and leveled with mudjacking. The advantages of mudjacking service over complete slab replacement include:
When compared to the cost of removing your concrete, disposing of the pieces, pouring new concrete and paying a concrete contractor, mudjacking services from MUDTeCH™ are a huge money saver: about half the cost of concrete replacement.
Quality Equipment & Materials
We don’t tear out the existing concrete or remove the slabs; we simply use our powerful cement hybrid mudjacking mix to hydraulically raise your sidewalk, driveway, concrete staircase, factory floor or garage slab to a safe and even level. Our hybrid mudjacking mix fills in the smallest pockets and voids, ensuring solid support and a level surface.
Same Day Service
The professional Milwaukee mudjacking experts at MUDTeCH™ know exactly how to turn uneven, sunken or twisted cement into something any homeowner can be proud of. If your property has some slabs that need to be replaced, but some can be leveled out with mud jacking, MUDTeCH can usually replace your concrete and take care of any mud jacking in the same day.