
Janesville Asphalt Repair

Here you can see how much old deteriorated asphalt needed to come out of a patch to make a quality repair. Other companies don't remove the damaged asphalt. They simply cover it and it looks good at first. The next year you have the same problem again. MUDTeCH stands behind its work and guarantees it for 1 year although it will last much longer. This picture shows Steve leveling the hot asphalt before it is compacted. This patch is in Hardee's parking lot near Woodman's in Janesville, Wisconsin.

During Janesville Asphalt Repair

Here is a string of patches where there was a lot of damaged asphalt at Hardee's in Janesville, Wisconsin.  This is typical of an older parking lot. Areas start to fail and they need randomly spaced patches to fix the random bad spots. This is a high traffic area and it holds up perfectly even in Wisconsin's harsh winter conditions; salt and plows.